It's been over 90 degrees every day here for the past few weeks and I just can't seem to shake the need for a little bit of fall. I almost bought a pumpkin decoration yesterday. It's only the end of July I told must wait.
I normally love summer, but this one not so much. The unbearable heat has kept me trapped indoors. It's almost as bad as winter except there is at least a good amount of light outside. Light makes me happy.
But I'm still looking forward to the leaves changing, a cool breeze in the air, and warm soulful meals on the kitchen table.
People always tell you that during labor you need to visualize your child in your arms. I can't imagine that for some reason. I'm not good with imagining things I have never experienced before. It hasn't happened to me yet, therefore I cannot envision it.
I told my husband I want to talk about Halloween. All things fall. For me, Halloween means that everything will be normal again....the new normal that is. We will be a family by Halloween. I will have gotten to know my little guy better by then and hopefully we will have all made those sometimes difficult adjustments required of having a new addition in the house.
He will be about a month old. We will have a routine and everything will be glorious. I'll dress him and Lola up in cute outfits....maybe they can co-ordinate and we will hand out candy to all the little Trick-or-Treaters in our new neighborhood.
I don't want to wish away these last 9 weeks of pregnancy, but I think I am in the ever building stage of anticipation now. I'm dreading the awkward period of "I have no clue what I'm doing" but oh so looking forward to being a little family.
I'm ready to do family things, to have our own traditions, to be able to watch our little guy grow up and learn new things. I'm ready to buy him school supplies and take him trick-or-treating and carve pumpkins together. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready.
I am so wanting Fall to's been SOOO hot!!!