Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I could tell you about how I had another mom fail this morning when my baby fell off my bed while I was getting ready (and yes, I had surrounded him with pillows). I could tell you about how I looked out my window yesterday and saw my neighbor mowing our yard. Instead I think I'll tell you something positive...

I'm learning how to FLY.

Ok, it's not what you are thinking....I'm not that cool. I'm joining the Fly Lady on my journey to a cleaner home. See I told you it wasn't that cool.

My home isn't dirty by any means, but it's definitely not perfect and I definitely don't have a routine. I clean in spurts. I'll take two days and do a major overhaul and then I do nothing and guess what....it's dirty again by day two and I'm disgusted.

I'm that person who leaves her plate at the dinner table, or refuses to do the dishes after I've prepared a meal, or leaves clean laundry in the laundry basket for a week. Yep, that's me. It's time to reprogram myself. So I'm joining a group that will spell it out for me.

I just started yesterday so I can't tell you if I love it yet or not, but it has given me hope. If you want to play along, start here. These are the baby steps. She tells you one thing to do everyday for 30 days. You can also sign up for emails that will give you little projects. Today for example I'm suppose to take 15 minutes and declutter the laundry room and bathroom.

I'm hoping that if I start doing a little everyday I won't overwhelm myself and just give up completely. We shall see how this goes!


  1. I just laughed out loud at the image of your neighbor mowing your lawn! Haha! Sometimes I wonder if ours want to do it too! haha
    I finally just made a daily list of chores so I can keep up with it all. So far it seems to work about 1/2 the time

  2. I'm not OCD clean, but I can't STAND a messy house. Since we moved though, I'm having a harder time with laundry. I used to get it all done at one time, but now? I have a tendency to leave it sitting in the basket to wrinkle for DAYS (which means I end up having to iron...and I HATE to iron.) Good luck on your new venture! Excited to see how it goes for you!

  3. I'm going to check this out. I usually leave all my cleaning for one day .. we have a small place so it doesn't take that long but I really want to start doing more here and there throughout the week so it is clean for longer. Right now? It's dirty. My floors are gross. Yet, I'm avoiding them because Thursday is cleaning day. Logical ... right?!

  4. Awesome idea - thanks for sharing!

  5. Awesome idea - thanks for sharing!

  6. Awesome idea - thanks for sharing!

  7. Awesome idea - thanks for sharing!

  8. Oooh looks like a shiny sink! :) My MIL uses the Fly Lady emails and tips, so I think it can be very helpful. Good luck to you (and hopefully Ethan is ok after the rolling off the bed LOL)!

  9. I've heard about the Fly Lady plan but have never committed to it. Please let us know how it goes!! Your sink looks great :)

  10. This is probably something I need to do. I just find that everytime I clean either my husband or Harlan will mess it up within the next hour!

    Your sink looks great though!!

  11. I wish my neighbor would mow our lawn!! This sounds like a great idea, maybe I should follow it too....

  12. Good luck! I love Fly Lady. It really helped me when my children were younger and I was overwhelmed. That site can make an organized cleaner out of the laziest of housekeepers (like moi lol)

  13. Thanks so much for sharing this post - I had never heard of the FLY lady but I'm totally going to check into that!!!

    I hope Ethan's doing good - Addie took a spill off the couch a few weeks back - such a scare for me but she was fine!!!

  14. Sitting here in a pile of laundry makes me think I should check her out!!!! I'm SUCH a procrastinator, and then feel like I can't get caught up. And there are just two of us!


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