Friday, July 1, 2011

Brain Dump

1. I have a lot of ideas swimming around in my mind right now and I think I might be overwhelming myself. I'm in the mood to create, but I don't have the time or energy to churn out everything I want to do.

Main reason for not getting anything done...
Someone needs to take care of this cord situation.
Moving on...

2. I forgot how frustrating room re-dos can be. We've done absolutely nothing to this house since we moved in last year (besides Ethan's room). A lack of time (and money) has definitely had something to do with that. Now, I've got ideas for every room. I've got to pace myself though.

3. Why is it that I always create a picture in my head? I need just a general idea because I can never find what's in my head. Things are always a different color, different size, different style and I find myself DIY-ing to make every things just right. But then, the perfectionist side of me takes over and I am always less than pleased with what I make. I always think some one else could have done it better. Ugh. Silly me.

4. I've been drooling over I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar's hair week. I never EVER do fun things to my hair, but now I'm inspired. Unfortunately, I'm at odds with myself. To grow the hair out again or chop it off one last time for the summer? What to do? What to do?

The Twist and Pin

5. I'm throwing around the idea of doing a 30 day Mama makeover challenge. I'm not sure I would stick with it though. I'm pretty bad about going all in and then giving up. Hmmm. I'll have to think on that one, but I sure could use it.


  1. I literally just found my son in the same piles of cords with a power strip minutes ago. It's so hard to keep up! How do they manage to get to the one spot you don't want them.

    Happy Friday!

  2. They just love cords and all things dangerous! When Emily sees a cord, she can crawl faster than any other time, they are like magnets to dangerous things!

  3. Love the hair! I chopped mine and am regretting not being able to do cool things now.

    Do let us know how your Mom makeover will go. I need one too, BUT I always set up challenges for myself and never follow through either, Perhaps we should all blog it to keep us accountable! :)

  4. Visiting from Jenna's Journey! I love that you too get ideas in your head and don't give up easily... I do especially with projects. Hate going to Hobby Lobby to buy everything with a project, and then starting, and having to put it in my office. It takes a lot of time and money to get my projects where I am happy with them! What kinds of books do you read? I saw that in your profile. I love to read!



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