Friday, November 11, 2011

Oh, How this Blog has Grown!

Four years ago I started this little blog because I needed a place to release my thoughts. When I look back on those posts, I laugh because, wow did I have a lot to learn. Now this blog has become more to me than just a place to release my random thoughts. It's been a place to document all the little moments I never want to forget, a place to network with other mommies who amazingly come to my rescue when I need help or suggestions, a place to share my ideas, tips, and tricks on my new job as a stay at home mommy.

My readership has changed drastically over the years. I'd be surprised if there is anyone reading these days that was reading when I first started this blog. Life moves and changes so quickly and with every change I've made in life, my readers have changed right along with it. 

I wanted to thank those of you who are reading now. I've loved sharing these precious moments of mommy hood. I view you as my co-workers because let's face it...this stay at home gig can get lonely. If I didn't have you I'm pretty sure I'd be jabbering away to Lola all day and I'm not sure how good that is for my sanity! For those of you that I also follow, I've loved getting to know you and seeing your precious babies grow this year. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us all. 

I'll leave you with a list of some of my favorite posts...

For a few more favorites...look to the right where you will find a list of my readers current favorite posts.

Also, I posted a giveaway today as a way to thank you all (click here to enter).


  1. WOW! Four years, that's amazing girl! I'm so glad I've found your blog and followed along with you and Ethan on this mommy journey! So glad you continue to share your story with us! I'm with you, I wouldn't know what to do without my bloggy moms!

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary! Man our lives have really changed from 4 years ago LOL but all for the better!

  3. Congrats on your 4 year anniversary!!! I've been reading your blog since March and I LOVE following along with everything you guys have going on, not to mention all of the wonderful baby product posts and stories you share (it seems I can always relate:))

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

  4. congrats on four years lady!!!! that's huge!

  5. Congratulations! New follower here, and your family is adorable :)

  6. I'ts been fun getting to know you. While I don't comment every time or am able to read all the time, your blog is one of the ones I come to visit when i play catch up. Today is one of those days. Well done! 4 years!


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