Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chaa, Chaa, Chaa, Changes....

It's official and I can finally tell...we are moving. 

Yep, moving. 

When we moved from east Tennessee back to middle Tennessee I thought we were here for good. Settled I guess you could say. But, life is funny. It likes to remind you that you don't really know what you are doing after all. 

Michael and I both graduated from the University of Tennessee. I spent a total of 7 years in Knoxville and Michael spent 5. We desperately tried to get back near our family so we could start one of our very own and we've been blessed to live near both my parents and Michael's for two whole years, but now it is time to pack up and leave again. 

Where are we headed you might ask? 

Oh, well that would be back to east Tennessee of course. Life's got jokes. Seriously. 

It's a little further east than we were before and I'd give you the exact location, but I'm not quite sure what that is just yet myself. I do know that it will be somewhere within in that bright orange circle below though. Will any of you be neighbors??? We will be a short distance from KY, VA and NC as well.


We will now be 4.5 hours away from the nearest grandparent. Lord, help me. Although we will still be living in the same state, this will be the first time either of us have moved somewhere with ZERO connections. To say I'm nervous about that is a major understatement. 


There is no Target. 



The closest (depending on where we land) is somewhere between 30 - 45 minutes away. There is also a good possibility that our neighbors will consist of cattle. Yes, we are headed to no-where-ville. We are pretty much guaranteed to have beautiful mountain views though and that....I'm excited about. I have missed the mountains.

There is a lot to be done and a lot of decisions to be made in a very short period of time. Relocations happen in a flash around here so I'm sure things will be moving before I even get my mind wrapped around the idea. 

I'm very sad we have to leave our family, but this decision to move was a good one for us. It's the answer to many prayers we have been sending God's way. I hope we will be back again some day, but for now I am excited about our new adventure. 


  1. Well I am excited that you will be closer and that the boys can have more playdates! :) Maybe Ethan will be a boy of the woods and mountains and love to hike. Lola would like that I'm sure! I will take you to our Target anytime :)

  2. While I'm super happy for y'all, I'm so sad that your leaving the 'boro!! Especially since we just figured out we live in the same city! We do drive that way to go home to VA!

  3. How exciting!! A change of pace will do a body good!

  4. So sad youre leaving me :( but it will be a great adventure, and it will hopefully provide the oppertunity to focus on just you three(4 counting lola) for a bit

  5. Good luck with the move! Is it job related? I totally hear you on the local support from family. While my family is all within an hour's drive of me, it's still challenging sometimes to see them regularly with our work and family schedules. It's definitely one of the things I miss having, all of us in the same town, which is what I had growing up. My in-laws are in Illinois (we are in NJ) so that means only a few visits a year, if we are lucky. Hope all goes smooth...things happen for a reason!

  6. So exciting! I love that part of TN and used to drive through on my way to C'ville. The smokies are gorgeous. Maybe a change of pace/location will be therapeutic for the soul and body - it usually is for me :)

  7. Good luck Mama!! I am just going through my reader for the first time this week so I saw yesterday's post and quickly refreshed to see if you had shared today. Prayers for you as you make this transition.

  8. Oh my goodness Laura!! That is some change for sure! I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for your family. I bet the mountains will be a nice new reality! As for no Target...maybe Ethan will like that 30 minute ride haha. Prayers for you and the family during this new transition!

  9. First off, I love the song reference as the title! :o)

    Second, CONGRATS!!!! East TN is just stunning. Some of my family and my best friend live in/around Knoxville, so we travel there often. I hope the move goes smooth for you and you adapt quickly to the new location! Maybe being far from a Target won't be a bad thing - imagine how much extra money you'll have now! :o)

  10. congrats on the big move!! but holy cow, no target?!?!?

    we moved in 2010 to a place where neither of us had any connections as well. i was terrified, but we love it here now. like never want to leave love it. so you'll do fine :)

  11. Yes, I 2nd that,, congrats and NO TARGET. Yikers! You might get rich though skipping the trips! ha


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