Wednesday, February 13, 2013

So What Wednesday

This week I'm floating around in a fog of sleeplessness and snot. Today I thought it would be fun to join up with Shannon from Life After I Dew for a little "So What! Wednesday".

So what if...

  • We are going on 12 days strong of constant sickness in this house and it's not looking like it will be over anytime soon.

  • Ethan came into our room one morning declaring "Broke down gate. Need cold milk. Make eggs!" He had also fished sprinkles out of the pantry and eaten the WHOLE bottle behind the living room chair. How did I know? Oh, well...he left evidence. RED little handprint evidence to be exact.

  • Ethan dumped half a bottle of laundry detergent into the washing machine. If you are wondering if it overflowed with bubbles like in the doesn't.

  • My child is in the small percentage of children that Benadryl actually makes hyper active instead of sleepy. In fact, on Sunday, I was sure we needed an exorcism. No worries, we have now switched to Zyrtec. Evil has left his body!

  • I've eaten two rolls of slice and bake cookie dough this week. Surprisingly, they are dairy free. I don't know whether to be happy or scared about this little fact. 

  • I gave up on the 30 Day Shred after day 2. Cardio is not for me. I've since been doing my own little thing and switching days on abs, legs and arms. I think it's really balancing out all that cookie dough I've been consuming. 

So What Wednesday


  1. your cookie dough meal sounds fabulous! i have 6 weeks to go until i can eat a raw piece of cookie dough and don't think i haven't thought about this here and there! hopefully the sickness escapes your house soon!

  2. hilarious! I have been eating cookie dough tubes like they are my day job! I have been using My Fitness Pal again,so I arrange my meals around that cookie dough! :)

  3. You make me laugh...and Ethan's morning antics...they make me LOL!!!


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