Monday, November 4, 2013

Are you new here?


I've had quite a few new faces around here lately and with the launch of Knoxville Moms Blog this morning, I'm expecting (and humbly hoping) I might have a few more. I am so excited to be connecting with so many other moms both near and far. It truly brings joy to my life and comfort to my day. My hope, is that my blog can bring comfort to yours. 

Credit: Overbay Photography

I'd like to think I'm a pretty honest mama (you can find out more about me and my family in the Our Story tab up top). I blog through all the joys of parenthood along with the not so fabulous times. Through parenting fails and potty training to mama struggles and parenting sweet spots, I try to keep it real around these parts in hope that other mamas can have a place to relate. Click on the Parenting 101 tab located on the right side bar to read some of my more popular parenting posts which are really more like war stories with a few tips thrown in every now and then. 

I've always dreamed of being a SAHM and while that comes with it's own challenges I love being here for my kiddos everyday and being able to express my inner homemaker. That's not to suggest in any way that I'm fabulous at it…more than likely when I've whipped up a delicious recipe or made some sort of craft…I can guarantee my home isn't quite visitor ready…seriously, I don't do drop overs. Love ya, but call before you come! Click on the All Things Home tab to find my Home Organization Notebook, favorite recipes and  home decor. I also have a passion for party planning so be sure to check out the Our Parties tab as well!

I hope that you are now a somewhat more acquainted with my little home here on the world wide web! Please be sure to say hello and if you blog or have your own little space on the web (shop, business or whatever really), be sure to leave a link. I'd love to virtually meet you! Be sure to check me out on Facebook as well where I'm currently participating in the 30 days of Thanks challenge and always sharing bits of our everyday. You can follow my posts there or through bloglovin. You can also subscribe via email (just put in your email address under the Follow Us header towards the top of the right hand sidebar)

Before you go, hit the "Like" button...


  1. Hi! I've been a Facebook fan for a while but this was such a great "get to know you" idea! I am so with you on the drop overs. I adore my friends and will happily drop everything to visit.... just give me 15 minutes to get the laundry off the sofa before you knock on the door! haha I blog over at http://lazyhippiemama :)

  2. One if my childless friends stopped by totally unannounced on a Friday morning, which is my pj day. She was dressed to the nines. I was in my nightgown and my house was a wreck. And she didn't even knock! I don't do drop ins either!!

  3. Hi! I'm Danielle and have been following for a while, just a little shy so I never comment. But trying to change that, so this is perfect! :) Just entered the world of mothering two tiny humans so it is always refreshing to read about a mom who doesn't have a 'perfect' always 'butterflies and rainbows' life but is real! I blog over at would love for you to pop on over sometime!

  4. Love your new pictures! Very cute!

  5. New to your blog. I.cannot.get.enough of an #honest mom. Will b following!

  6. I'm new here! I love the design and layout of your blog and your family is darling. Your new pictures are so beautiful! Congrats on the other new blog too.


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