Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What's to Eat? Wednesday: Southern-Style Potato Salad

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Book Review: The Memory Keepers Daughter

Monday, March 29, 2010
Top 3 Stories of the Weekend
Apparently We Are the Neighborhood Property Destroyers:
I believe I forgot to mention that we met our first neighbor the day we moved in. He came over to politely inform us that our moving truck (which happened to be a ridiculously over sized semi) hit his brick mailbox knocking it off it's base. I was dealing with the moving company the whole next week trying to get everything settled and once they came out they decided they would deny the claim because they couldn't figure out how the driver could have possibly hit it (which would have been a challenge seeing as in it was on a curve, I have to admit). So awesome....we have a neighbor enemy...day 1.
This weekend we had a major wind storm and while reading in bed I heard a major noise. I stepped outside to find that our umbrella (which was down by the way) had flown over the fence. I had a terrifying thought that it had somehow made it's way over another fence or even worse made it through another window. Thankfully I found it in my neighbors unfenced yard right on their porch. No damage, thank God! I didn't need to piss off neighbor number 2 with more property damage.
Our Dog is a Nut:
Lola constantly entertains me but yesterday she was over the top. We were watching some animal show on TV and she tried to literally chase a cheetah. She then proceeded to prop her front feet on the TV console and pressed her nose almost to the screen to watch the show. She looked under the TV and behind it to try to find the animals and when that didn't work she proceeded to bark like crazy.
A Nice View:
While eating Sunday dinner at my Aunts house amidst her array of fine china, silver, and crystal glasses. We got a nice view of the neighbor kid sneaking to her backyard to take a leak. As he finished shaking it off my family all made our way to the back porch to give him a round of applause. Crazily enough he seemed awful proud of himself. He looked about 16 so that probably explains the "I Don't Give A Crap" attitude.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Weeks 11 & 12 in Review
I can just imagine how wonderful it would be to have a stay-at-home mom friend to call during the day to get out or maybe swap off kids when we really need to get something done by ourselves. It just seems like we could always be helping each other out since neither of our parents live within less than 30 minutes of us. In fact, she's already helped me out by bringing over all her maternity clothes this week. Will I seriously get that huge???? (Disclaimer: I mean that in no offense to her...obviously the 3rd trimester just does that to you.) It's just so hard to imagine.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Non Pregnancy Post for A Change
My friend, Heather, came over yesterday to help me reorganize the kitchen yesterday and now I feel like I might be able to actually cook again soon! I had been in a hurry to get everything looking as normal as possible since my sister and her boyfriend had come to stay with us last weekend and shamefully I must tell you, I used the shove method on most of the rooms. But now, I can peacefully go back through and get organized.
Now I'm just trying to catch up on all my regular day to day stuff. You know that stuff...like cleaning and laundry (which I had 2 laundry baskets and 3 trashbags full) and paying bills (yes, already just 2 weeks in) and filing. Oh, and I might need to go to the grocery store too. We have been Stouffers connoisseurs here of late.
I'm looking forward to getting things in order so that next week everything can be back to normal (blog posts included!).
Monday, March 22, 2010
Operation: Undercover Pregnancy - Weeks 9 & 10
We have told most of our close friends at this point and will be telling our parents this weekend which will be such a relief as well. I'm so ready to let the cat out of the bag!
Here are the pictures from week 9 and I'll post week 10 as soon as I find my camera cord.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Operation: Undercover Pregnancy - Week 8 in Review
This week I've been feeling even better than last week and it is seriously scaring me. What if something is wrong? What if something happened? I'm trying not to dwell on it, but at the same time I'm not letting myself get overly excited either. In one week I will be back in the doctors office and hopefully this time we will hear a heartbeat and everything will be as it should be and I can breath a huge sigh of relief.
The big news this week is that we closed on our condo and are one step closer to having the home to raise our kids in. I can't get over how grown up that sounds. This is really happening, isn't it?
We shared the pregnancy news with a whopping three people this week. We couldn't hold out any longer. Our best friends Heather and Daniel who have a 5 month old were ecstatic and my sister Chrissy was excited and shocked for us as well. It gets a little more exciting with each person we share the news with and there's definitely more of that to come.
The first baby item was purchased yesterday. Bibs! We decided that it would be best to tell our parents all at once and the least awkward way to do it would be via gifts. We will be spilling the beans finally when we move into our home in two weeks. The gifts will be disguised as "thank you" gifts for helping us move.
Ahh...one more week until we finally get the confirmation I've been so desperately needing!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Operation: Undercover Pregnancy - Week 7 in Review

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Operation: Undercover Pregnancy - Week 6 in Review

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Operation: Undercover Pregnancy - Week 5 in Review

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Thank You & Operation: Undercover Pregnancy - Week 4 in Review
As you can see, I just couldn't blog that last month due to having a little secret I couldn't share. Now that it's out we can go back to normal. Well almost. Since I'm buried under boxes this week, I will be doing some prescheduled posts this week. I blogged each week while I was gone to record what was going on during those first early weeks of pregnancy and I'll be posting those this week while we get our house all set up.
01.21.10 - 01.27.10
This week is full of anticipation. The planner that I am thoughtfully planned out which day was best to procreate using the charting method in the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book. Unfortunately we have to wait till next week for the most accurate results, but I already know. I've already had hints of pregnancy - a heightened sense of smell, a lot of bathroom trips due to all the water I've been craving, and an incredibly hard time getting up in the morning. Lucky for me I'm normally pretty regular so really - I'm pregnant, I know it. I'd be shocked if I wasn't. Next week we will find out for sure and hopefully have a moment of privacy at one of our parents houses so we can properly celebrate.
I'm supposing you might want to know a little bit about how all this occurred (besides the obvious). We had actually decided to go off birth control in November to just let things happen. In fact, we had actually hoped that we would get pregnant in San Francisco so we would have a cool conception story. However, we didn't, which is probably a good thing considering there were lots of good times to be had over the holidays which involved some not so healthy habits for a pregnant lady. Sadly for my future child there is (potentially) no cool conception story. I was (potentially) impregnated at my dad's house which is about as cool of a story as getting knocked up in the back of a car. Oh well.
It's a very exciting, but also nerve-wrecking time. Right now our lives are a little bit of a jumble. We are still currently searching for the perfect home to start our family and I'm still trying to decide if we can afford to have me be a stay at home mom. I'm really hoping that all pans out, but sometimes things have to be done out of necessity.
That's all for now! Hopefully next week we will officially have our answer so we can officially say (to each other) that we have a baby on the way!
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Top 10 Things That Happened While I Was Gone
10. I watched more Olympics than I ever have before.
9. Movers came and packed up our first place and I didn't have to even lift a finger!
8.There was a lot of unnecessary drama with our buyer that I'm not even going to get into because the most important thing is that it's over.
7.We officially said goodbye to Knoxville.
6. I watched in disgust as Jake stupidly picked Vienna.
5. March is here and has given me a taste of spring.
4. I took a break from cooking to get re inspired.
3. We moved out of my dads and...
2. Moved into our new home in Murfreesboro.
and the number one thing that happened....
1. We found out we are pregnant!!!

All images are property of Laura Sager unless otherwise noted.