Things haven't been normal around here lately. Nap times last about 30 minutes if I am able to get him down at all, bedtime has been pushed back at least an hour or two, and finger foods are getting tossed to the dog.
Yesterday I thought my almost 9 month old had been replaced with a two year old with the temper tantrums he was throwing. We had a scream fest at Publix when I had to take the electronic pen away, a melt down in Target when I wouldn't let him stand up in the cart, and he even tried to throw himself over the edge of the stroller at Hobby Lobby when I wouldn't let him have my phone.
I felt the red heat of embarrassment crawling up my neck for the first time when it came to Ethan. I found myself asking "God? What have I done....where is my child?" "Is this really suppose to be starting NOW?" I thought I had awhile before we got to this temper tantrum thing. I'm unprepared.
Every time we get to a phase where things are weird like this I's gotta be teething...and it never is. People look in his mouth and say "Nope, nothing there!". Damn. Just another baby phase I guess. There is no rhyme or reason. Mommy is wrong again.
So I've held my tongue this go around. "It's just a phase" "It's just a phase" "It's just a phase". Maybe this is just part of him getting older.
Yesterday, however, I noticed something else. His cheek was red, in fact, I suddenly remembered that it had been red at times the past several days. I tried to look inside of his mouth and every time I got near he clamped it shut. No way, no how was I getting in without a fight.
So, after dinner I started a mini (happy) screaming contest between him and me. He laughed and laughed and then, I finally saw it. He had a swollen gum line and there was even a little slit where a tooth is trying to pop through.
Finally! It has happened.
He won't be a toothless baby after all!
And hopefully, all this temper tantrum, non sleeping business will pass soon.