Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Open House

A couple of weeks or so ago I saw that Erin from Blue-Eyed Bride had done a roll call of sorts and I think it's a fantastic idea. Over the past couple of months there have been several new readers around here, but unfortunately I haven't been able to meet you all! You see, my Google Friend Connect is a little wonky. It only tells me what sites you have joined, but leaves out the most important part which is your blog!

If you read this little blog of mine, whether you are a new reader or an old reader, a blogger or not,  I'd love for you to take a moment and say "Hello!". You could tell me where you are from, how long you have been reading or even ask me a question (I'd love to answer!). This could be a great way to find other great blogs to read as well so go ahead and participate even if you are an old friend who comments every day! 

Be sure to leave a link to your Blog, Twitter, or Pinterest so I can come visit you! And of course, get out there and visit each other because really that's what this is all about.

Ethan with his morning, hello smile!

Thank you so much for reading and for participating today! I write for me, but of course I love that other people get some kind of enjoyment from it as well. I can't wait to meet you all!


  1. Hi Laura! I'm a new follower to your blog. I have to say, your little Ehtan is precious!

    I'm a blogger myself (www.mntrumbull,, I live in MN, and I have a 9 month old baby boy!

    P.S. I'll do my best to start commenting!

  2. Hi there! I've been reading your blog for few months now- your little guy is adorable :)

    I have a 6-month-old girl named Marley and I blog about her and other random things at

  3. Hi Laura!
    I have been reading your blog for about a week - maybe 2?! I love it... I feel like we have very similar experiences - thank goodness! Someone else out there is going through what I am going through!
    I have a (almost) 14 month old - you can see him (us) at

  4. I'm new- I found you through Erin's blog last week, actually! I also have a little guy (he's almost 16 months) and I love knowing there are other momma's of boys out there who are going through similar things!!

  5. I think you have my blog info already :) I've probably been reading around a year now! :)

  6. I'm semi new to your the past few months. I love your posts!

    I have a almost 9month old (tear).

    I'm so-so at blogging these days. But when I have time you can find me at:

  7. I'm a relatively new follower and I love your posts! I'm somewhat new to blogging and also a new mom to my little girl so I'm always looking for other mom bloggers. I loved your post about the Home Organization Notebook and it inspired me to make my own! You can check out my blog at

  8. Love this idea too! I'm a sort-of new follower of the blog and on Twitter. I'm just loving your blog! I have a little boy is will be turning 6 months old in just a couple of weeks! I love seeing other moms with little boys, y'all are kind of like a fortune teller for me. haha.

    You can find all my ramblings here:

    And of course on Twitter: magnoliamom365

    Happy Wednesday!

  9. Yep, I'm leaving ANOTHER comment because I just went and read your about me and realized you live in Murfreesboro!! We moved to SC last Fall, but before that we had been living in Murfreesboro for almost 4 years! What a small world!

  10. I'm a pretty new reader but I guess I've been around for a few months. I love your blog :)

    maybe you've said it before, but what area do ya'll live in? And what did you do before you had Ethan?

    my blog is and my Twitter is justabitofmegs.:)

  11. Ethan is SO cute and I love his mobile!!!!

    I've been reading your blog since I started blogging back in March...I love all of your Ethan updates and your humor:)

  12. Such a great idea Laura. BTW...thanks for leaving a question for me! I'm sad though that you are the only one so doing my best to recruit more!

    I think I've been following you for a couple of months now, and if I recall, I think you found me first. Glad you did! I've been blogging since March and am currently going through a site rebuild.

    My blog is:
    twitter @FFPMaMMa
    Pinterest: FFPMaMMa
    FB to come with new site! :)

    Thanks for the Roll call!

  13. Hola! I'm here as well! I think I've been reading your blog for a year or two? Not really sure!


  14. Hello there! I have been following for a little while now although I can not pinpoint exactly when. I am just starting to really take the time to comment on my followings so be on the look out for more from me!

    Christine from STL
    Twitter: themunchkinmama
    oh and I love pinterest too!

  15. hi. I just happened on your blog today on twitter. my twitter id is @ffprncez and my blog is

    Your little one is precious!

  16. Ethan is the cutest ever, I love how happy his grin is!!


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