Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Ethan at 20 Months

I'm behind. What's new? Ethan is truly on the verge of 22 months *cue 2nd birthday party panic attack* but I'm a few months behind on his monthly updates. Here is a look back at what he was doing at 20 months old....


  1. He is so stinking cute! I'm so excited to see what you've got planned for his 2nd bday. I remember how fabulous the first one was!

  2. We have never watched Super Why - what channel?

  3. that pic of Ethan!!! I am in super panic mode on the birthday too...I have a theme and 0 decorations...I made a promise to myself I would keep things simpler this year but I still need to get it together:)


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