Monday, October 1, 2012

31 Days of Happiness

For the month of October I've decided to join up with The Nester for her 31 Days project.  Basically it's a commitment to post every day on a single topic. The topic I have chosen is ...


I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I get caught up in the "poor me's" when really most everything going on is perfectly wonderful. I'm hoping these 31 days will help me to find the simple happiness in everyday life. 

Posting everyday is going to be a big challenge for me. I sometimes shut down creatively when I know I "have" to do something which is why I usually never commit to anything involving scheduled posts so we will see how this goes! Some posts may be long and wordy, some may be list style and some may just be pictures. Either way, I hope you enjoy and that we all can find happiness together!

Link up your own topic or find others to follow here.


  1. Everybody needs a little reminder to be happy and not dwell on the negative! I am looking forward to your series!

  2. Great topic! I'm doing 31 days of Giving Thanks for very similar reasons. It's so easy to look at the glass half empty and get down on life, I'm challenging myself to find just one thing to be thankful for everyday!

    Looking forward to your 31 days of happiness!

  3. This is such a wonderful and inspiring idea! Thank you for sharing, and good luck to you! :)

  4. Thanks for your thoughts here. I'm interested to see your stories and writings to come:).


Comments make my day! Go ahead...get to typing. I want to hear from you.

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