Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So What Wednesday!

Today I'm saying "So what!" if....

  • I feel like a total slacker mom for basically ignoring a holiday. E's worn his costume once (and hated it). Due to weather I don't think we are going anywhere tonight and we haven't even gotten a pumpkin.
  • The major reason I'm concerned about missing Halloween is solely because it will be obvious in our annual photo book.
  • I think I might literally explode if I hear one more family member whine. I'm the only whiner allowed around these parts!
  • I ate half a roll of cookie dough last night while mindlessly watching TV.
  • I desperately need my hair dyed. Grey's are blatantly obvious annnnnd I don't even care....much.
  • I attempted to make my own cinnamon syrup because I am craving a Starbucks Caramel Apple Cider and the nearest Starbucks is an hour away.
  • I'm partially excited but mostly bummed that my husband and I are about to start Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover at the beginning of the year. Adios fun purchases right?
So What Wednesday

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  1. I always feel the same guilt when not participating in a holiday or activity for my daughter.

    I'd love to use the MTURocks code and have you post my button on your blog but I can't figure out how to do it! I'm on my work computer and some things are blocked out so that may be why but if you email me maybe we can do it that way?

  2. I've put C's costume on him once and he hated it - he kept saying "too hot, mommy, too hot." And you know what? I don't even care - haha!

    We started Dave Ramsey's plan about 2 years ago. I was DREADING it, too...but it's honestly been the BEST thing we've done in our life! It's really hard at first, but you won't regret your decision to do it! :)

  3. Exact same thoughts as you about halloween ... I have a little costume for G that I borrowed froma friend but no cute little pumpkin outfits or anything. Since Eva was born in late September, tons of people gave me halloween things when she was born so I have 2 pages of her first year photo book devoted to her first halloween.

    But yea, they are all NB or 3 month. Gwen wears 6 or 9 month stuff. So .. a picture of her with a pumpkin hat on and I called it a day. LOL

  4. Totally agree about Halloween. I made my husband take my 2 year old trick or treating and I stayed home and "passed out candy," or ate mass amounts myself.


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