Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sand, Waves and Fun - Here We Come!

Monday, June 14, 2010
Our 2nd Anniversary

I know it's more normal to say how quickly it has all gone by, and it most certainly has, but I can't believe that everything that has happened since that day has happened in these two short years. It seems like we have been together so much longer and that is a good thing.
We celebrated yesterday since we would have the full day together and marveled at how far we have come. How much better we know each other, how much more we love each other, and how many wonderful things have come from us being married.

Friday, June 11, 2010
A Place to Lay His Head

And yes, I did find bedding as well, but I'm not quite ready to share that just yet (hence the reason this pic is in black and white). I am oh so sneaky! We finally decided to purchase our crib and other things at JC Penney's. Excitingly enough we also got free shipping which was a huge plus and it came with a free crib mattress. Perfect!
The only cribs that I have really liked have been the sleigh crib style. Unfortunately they also tend to show all the hardware. Fortunately this one had a lot less showing than most. We also struggled with the color. I wanted an espresso or cherry one initially, but after finding that wonderful white dresser at the flea market, we decided to go with white.
Hopefully we will be able to add in enough blue to make it a little more boyish, although I have to admit that the whole boy/childish decorating is not something I have mastered quite yet. I do think that the nursery needs to be more to the parent's liking though at this point considering we will have to be in there so much in the beginning. There will be some fun elements for sure though to keep him interested and entertained. Once he forms his own little opinions we will definitely decorate more to his taste!
The only complaint about the crib I do have is that it had a couple of chips (nothing major) but I think we can cover that up with some paint. Also it had a ridiculous amount of stickers on it. I spent lots of time trying to pick them off and I still need to attack them with goo-gone.

I'm still waiting for a couple of things to come in that I have ordered, I've picked out paint, and have a few projects that I need to tackle. I am putting the nursery purchases back on hold though for a little while, because this month is unfortunately shaping up to be a budget busting month. Between car problems, nursery purchases, and a vacation coming up...our wallets could use a rest.
Oh me, the costs of getting ready for kids! Yikes. The start up cost is not fun!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Happiness Project - Focusing on Relationship Issues
Chapter 2 of the Happiness Project is entitled Remember Love. Although the majority of this chapter dealt with marriage, which I'll get to later, the part that I needed to read the most was really about other relationships. This hit home with me because, without getting too specific, I do have a person in my life that I have a damaged relationship with and was a source of unhappiness in my life.
Last year I focused on just letting things go. I had a lot of hatred built up along with other insecurities that really needed to be addressed. This person and I stopped all forms of communication and to be honest - it was for the best. It gave me the time to sort through a lot of feelings and to decide what to do about it with a clear head.
In March of this year we actually began communicating again. It is nowhere near a regular relationship and I honestly can't say at this point if we will continue to be in each others lives, but what I can say is that I'm learning how to deal with it more effectively and when it comes to happiness - that's what matters most.
There are two very important things I have learned this year. The first is forgiveness and the second is that you can't change others, only yourself. For me they kind of go hand in hand. I learned that for my own health I needed to forgive this person even if they didn't forgive me. Without forgiveness, I couldn't free myself of the hatred I felt. Without forgiveness, I couldn't look for a fresh start. Without forgiveness, I couldn't deal with things calmly.
Forgiveness is so much easier said than done. It means that you have to let go of all the thoughts of "but they did this" and "but that's on them" and "well if they hadn't been like this". You honestly have to let it all wash away and that is not easy. It doesn't mean that you have to let them do those things all over again, or even have them in your life, but you have to let go of all the negative thoughts.
After the forgiveness, I focused on the fact that I personally could never make this person change their ways to my liking. The only person I have control of is myself. Through that knowledge I am now able to control my actions better. This person may try to get under my skin and make me blow up as I used to, but now they can't because I am in complete control of my actions. I may not be able to control how they react, but with my new outlook I can better manage myself and control my own temperament and the things that come out of my mouth.
The third thing that I learned from the book is that I should stop expecting people to acknowledge things that I have done. They don't have to send me a card on my birthday just because I have sent them one. They don't have to praise me for a meal I cooked or thank me for something little I have done for them because in all honesty I am doing it because I want to and that should be enough. I used to feel a little bit jaded because I felt like people didn't appreciate me or the certain amount of effort it took me to do certain things, but after reading this I realized that it is true...I am doing it for myself because it makes me happy and there is nothing wrong with that.
Overall my biggest lesson this year is that I have to make the choices in life that I can live with. I have to do things for me, and I don't say that in some individualistic way that I never think of anyone else, I say it because in order to make other people happy, I have to be happy. If I take the time to really think about the choices that I make in life, I can remove all the bad feelings of guilt, remorse, anger, shame and envy. I can really be a happy person and that knowledge is truly freeing!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What's to Eat? Wednesday - Fresh Cherry Pie
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Beans, Beans, Beans!

Now bring a large pot of water to boil and drop in about 4-6 cups of beans. Cover with a lid and let boil for 4 minutes. Get a slotted spoon and drop them into an ice bath for about 5 minutes then drain.
Finally dry them off a bit and throw them in a freezer bag. I used three 1 quart bags for this particular harvest and filled them up halfway. That way I can just thaw what I need when I need it. Put a date on them and throw them in the freezer. They will stay good up to a year. Yay! Fresh beans for a while!
Monday, June 7, 2010
A Very Overdue Pregnancy Update
So anyways, I'm currently at week 23. I've been a slacker at taking pictures and making them blog worthy so the last pics I have to show you are from week 19 and 20. I have week 21, but for some reason blogger wants to make it upside down...so I said screw it. Here is a glimpse at all the growth that has taken place...

All images are property of Laura Sager unless otherwise noted.