Monday, June 14, 2010

Our 2nd Anniversary

I really can't believe it has only been two years since this day...

I know it's more normal to say how quickly it has all gone by, and it most certainly has, but I can't believe that everything that has happened since that day has happened in these two short years. It seems like we have been together so much longer and that is a good thing.

We celebrated yesterday since we would have the full day together and marveled at how far we have come. How much better we know each other, how much more we love each other, and how many wonderful things have come from us being married.

I couldn't imagine my life without this man. He totally gets me and there's nothing better than that. I have no doubt that he loves me every single day even if that day isn't so great. Before this year is out we will truly have a family which will bring on even more learning experiences. I'm sure it won't always be a smooth road, but there is no one else I would rather take that ride with than him.
I love you Michael and look forward to the many, many more years to come!


  1. Happy Two Year Anniversary!!! I hope y'all had a beautiful and fun day yesterday! Lots of love. XOXO

  2. Congrats on 2 years! I'm sure it was wonderful. My husband and I will celebrate one year in September.

  3. happy 2 years! my husband and i are celebrating 1 year next month. Time sure does fly!!!

  4. Congratulations! Happy Anniversary to you both!

  5. Aw Laura!1 Congratulations to you and Mike - that's wonderful!

    I LOVE your veil - so beautiful.. Congrats again!!


  6. Happy Anniversary. Love the pics!

  7. I have a bloggy award for you!


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