Lately, his favorite word has been "sunshine". He says it so enthusiastically that it just melts my heart. He's proud of himself and I love that. He'll find the sun flashcard and bring it to me. He knows exactly where all the sunshine pictures are in his books and he will flip straight to them solely so he can say "sunshine!".
I thought I'd share with you some of the learning tools we have been using that I feel have made a huge difference. Sometimes flash cards can be a mess and can get ruined quite quickly. I thought that I could maybe make them a "no touch" object, but I'm sure you know how that turned out. We do use them a lot in the bath tub (obviously we hold them for him) but it seems to work as we have his full attention. Although we have several sets that have already seen better days, I have found two sets that I absolutely love and think will hold up for quite some time.
These flashcards are made of the board book material so they aren't bendable. They do come on a convenient plastic ring, but they do come off of it pretty easily. I actually have the first words set instead of the animal set, but you get the gist.
These are also made of the board book material, but come with the very fun aspect of feeling different textures. They also have an added feature of having question ideas on the back for the parent to use. Like what sound does a duck make? What else is yellow? etc...
One of the first learning tools we started using was actually a DVD that was given to Ethan for his first birthday. I had my doubts, as we don't really use DVD's in this house, but he was absolutely enthralled with it and I have to say I thought it was put together very well and absolutely focused on learning.
What's awesome about this video is that is shows a white background and flashes a letter across the screen multiple times saying it aloud. It goes through both upper and lower case and before it switches to the next letter it will show an animated version of the letter as well. It's really attention grabbing for little ones and I could tell an immediate difference. Ethan has mastered several of the letter and I'm sure if I were more religious about showing the DVD he would probably know them all. I look forward to trying out the other DVD's in this series as well once he is ready for them!
Since Ethan is so into learning at this point, I decided to ordered a couple of books for his Valentine's Day gift. We had so much success with the My First Christmas Board Book
that I'm just sure he will love these as well.
