When we moved into this home, I was 3 months pregnant and not in the shape to be any home improvements. So to be honest, the only room we've completely done is Ethan's nursery.
Until now.
Ethan's bathroom certainly shouldn't have been the priority re-do in this house, but while I was walking around Target killing time I found a shower curtain that inspired me...so I went with it.
Inspirational shower curtain from Target $19.99 |
I wanted to do something fun, but not too over the top kiddie since it is still a guest bathroom after all. I also wanted it to be cheap because it is a kids bath and will probably be switched up in a couple years anyways as he grows.
Here's what the guest bath looked like before. And yes, there was a shower curtain (white) but I had already taken it down before I snapped these pics and was too lazy to put it back up.
Pretty basic...classic blue and white theme.
Cheap, ugly and badly placed towel bars.
Now for all the details....
I bought a white shelf at Hobby Lobby for $20 but it was a little plain for my taste. After considering some more costly options, I remembered we had a piece of bead board left over from a previous project.
I bought some trim at Lowes for $3 and the colorful knobs at Hobby Lobby for $2 a piece and used a leftover can of white spray paint and my husbands crafty skills to get this idea together.
I have to thank Etsy for inspiration when it comes to everything on top of the shelf. I wish I could have bought exactly what I saw, but I couldn't fork over $40 for a tissue cover box or $20 a pop for prints. So DIY I went.
The whale tissue box was an adventure for sure. I won't lie, this was a pain in the backside and I'm still not completely 100% happy with it, but for now...it will do. After several previous attempts we decided to use yet some more left over bead board to make the whale body (we used the opposite side). I used foam board to make the tail, multiple coats of white primer and light blue spray paint then slapped a mouth and eyes on it with a paint brush to finish it off.
Ta-Da...whale tissue box complete with blow hole. Cost: total of $6 for spray paint and foam board.
Next I needed some prints. I found some awesome ones on Etsy but just couldn't fork over the money so I hit up Microsoft Word and created my own version. Not as pretty but works just as well and was FREE minus the total cost of $4 for BOTH frames from Hobby Lobby.
I used dots to help carry out the theme of the shower curtain. The bottom of the shower curtain picture is cut off due to the toilet but there are large dots at the bottom. The prints helped bring in some additional colors of navy, yellow and orange as well which I used on the knobs as well as on the counter top decor.
I found these clear canisters at Target the large was $7 and the small was $4. I used left over scrapbook paper from Ethan's birthday party stuff to make them a little more cheerful and help bring in some more of the yellow and orange. I labeled them to continue the "instructional" theme from the Etsy inspired prints.
As for the hand towels, I purchased a 4 pack of navy cloth napkins at Target for $7 and bought orange, yellow, blue and green ric rac at Jo Ann's. I borrowed my mom's sewing machine (and help) to get these together. I love how the ric rac mimics the waves of the shower curtain.
Finally I added some sweet bath pics of Ethan to the room to truly make it his. I bought these frames at Michael's for a total of $15 and spray painted them navy with leftover spray paint from previous nursery projects to help tie them into the rest of the room.
As for the paint color (and yes, we did paint...it's a lighter blue not that you can tell from the pictures) I got Valspar paint from Lowes in Ice Rink Blue for $30. The total room cost ended up being a little under $130.
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