Friday, June 7, 2013

Five on Friday

- H2O -
I am the worst when it comes to drinking fluids of any kind. I often don't even have a drink with meals at home. If I do, I usually take a sip or two when I'm done eating. My weakness is Mickey D's sweet tea (I'm in the slow painstaking process of switching to unsweetened, but my southern soul is just calling foul on that goal). I can make a large sweet tea last all day long. Drinking water...yeah...doesn't happen so much around here. However, I have found a new love....sparkling water! Something about the cold fizziness just calls my name. I don't know if it's true love or if I am just revisiting days of the past when a certain ice cold caffeinated beverage would bounce across my tongue. you can tell I don't miss it one bit.

This particular can of sparkling water is my favorite. Unfortunately it's expensive for a can of water. I have severe issues with most flavored waters. It's something I'm working on. Currently I'm trying out all different flavors of La Croix (a much more affordable option), but I'm a tough sale. 

- Getting Back to Nature -
One of the best parts about living in East Tennessee again is being near the mountains. We don't go as often as we should, but this weekend we will be visiting North Carolina to hike with Michael's cousin. She hiked the entire Appalachian Trail last year so I'm partially scared of what trail she will be having us do. I keep reminding Michael to make sure he tells her we will be CARRYING two children on our bodies. We might love to hike, but we are no experts. Hopefully I won't die of exhaustion.

- Fresh is Best -
Way back in the day when Michael and I were just dating, I got this strong craving for a fresh fruit salad. Being an experienced shopper, I probably bought everything off season and very true to self, I went overboard. Our fresh fruit salad for two ended up costing us $50. Just in case you were wondering we haven't had fruit salad since. The other day while I was shopping for our weekly supplies I chuckled to myself just thinking about how our shopping habits have changed. A good 50% (if not more) of our groceries now come from the produce section. No, I didn't tally exactly how much all that fresh goodness cost, but it probably puts our $50 to shame. Between homemade baby food, salad ingredients and E's constant fruit snacking we buy a heck of a lot of produce. Thankfully, summer means it's time for me to get back to the Farmers Market and save some money although I really feel no shame in spending mad money in the produce section. Fresh is best after all. 

- Boo, Hiss - 
Our last house was in an overcrowded neighborhood, so when Michael got transferred we used that opportunity to move to the country. It's nice and quiet but we do have our fair share of wildlife...cows, lizards, squirrels, rabbits and chipmunks are seen on a daily basis. The other day, Ethan was looking for a rogue golf ball on the opposite side of the deck and called me over for help. Much to my surprise, unbeknownst to him, Ethan was standing beside a fairly sizeable Garter snake. Snakes terrify me. TERRIFY ME! So we scurried up to the deck, I of course went to grab my phone to send a picture to my husband, but when I came back was gone. My mom is insisting that it probably has babies and it more than likely does since everything else seems to be procreating like mad these days, but I haven't seen any evidence. I had almost convinced myself that it was just a one time thing until yesterday when my husband found it's skin in the exact same spot I had originally spotted the snake. I just know it and it's 30 babies (the average for garter snakes) are living under my deck ready to attack at any moment. I'm thinking the city might be a nice place to try next time.

- Just Call Me Jerseylicious - 
I may be slow to join this movement, but I have become a spray tan addict. I self spray and am fairly happy with the Loreal Sublime spray I have been using. It's a nice color, no orange tone or sparkle, but I am far from being a pro at using it. The tan looks fantastic in the house light, but get me outside and I spy streaks and missed areas. The worst part is that for some reason it seems to collect on my heals (where I don't even spray) and the bottoms of my feet are ridiculously brown. I think it's time for me to google You Tube videos for spray tanning. What did we do with out video tutorials in the past?


  1. I have trouble drinking water too. Sometime water with a splash of juice helps or if I want that fizz - club soda with juice or blood orange soda.

  2. I might just to try some sparkling water at home...and you need to tell me more about this self home spray tanner! I am so white!

  3. For the water you could always add a little fruit into it. Last summer I was all over water with fresh (but frozen) cranberries thrown in. I froze them because that way I could use the cranberries like ice.

    But as far as fresh food goes I am with you there! We are wanting to cut out alot of our processed foods and start buying fresher.But now I am wanting to grow what I can as well, so there is an idea for you especially since you are out in the country. Grow what fresh things you can and buy what you can't grow. :-)

  4. Love fresh foods too! Might need to try your new sparkling water find :)


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