Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Quick Poll on Blog Post Notifications...

In hopes of being more efficient next year, I have a quick poll for you!

How do you prefer to receive blog post notifications?

A. I know the URL by heart.

B. Bloglovin/Feedly

C. Facebook

D. Twitter

E. Instagram

F. Email/Newsletter

Pick all that apply :) Thanks!!! 

**Apologies to those who have already seen this elsewhere, just thought I should post here too for an accurate polling!**

Please take a second and hit the "Like" button...


  1. I follow all your social media but I still like finding the blog posts on bloglovin best. :)

  2. BlogLovin so I don't miss, but I'll click if I see a post on FB too.

  3. I love the way your blog is set up and the name. I choose A and B


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