Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Tease and a Late Summary of the Weekend

Okay, so I have big news and I can't tell just yet. It's killing me.

I'm excited though and hopefully tomorrow I will be able to tell.

Aghh the suspense!

Onto what I can tell you...

We had a really great weekend. First of all we got big news (hehe, had to tease you again)! Second of all we went to visit my sister and her boyfriend. We had a lot of fun playing rock band, going out to eat, and touring the base and a local museum (her boyfriend is in the army), but that really wasn't what made the weekend so great for me.

The great part to me was seeing how happy my sister was.

It has been a long, slow process for her, but I think she is finally at a good place in her life. She seems very content with where she is and has also seemed to find a great relationship. Her relationship has allowed her to be herself as well as motivated her to work on herself for the sake of the relationship.

My hope is that the happiness continues and maybe we won't have anymore major bumps in the road. There's nothing like a happy ending! Or should I say...a happy beginning?


  1. eeek! can't wait to hear what the news is!!

  2. I'm so happy to hear about your sister. Tell her that her bloggie friend Bodaat misses her blog. :)

    And Mrs - what's this with keeping secrets and teasing us about it!! hope you spill the beans soon. :) I have my suspicions (spl?) on what it might be.


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