Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Farewell 2008

Around this time of year we all begin to reflect on what has transpired over the past year. Normally I look back and feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement to move forward to the next year. This time around I definitely feel the excitement to move on, but the sense of accomplishment isn't really there. Sure plenty of great things have happened in 2008 mainly being the wedding, Michael graduating, and checking off some of the home improvement projects on our to do list, but there have been a lot of not so great things as well.

I told you guys yesterday that I had seen Benjamin Button and while there were many great quotes I only found one I liked on the internet. I guess I will have to wait until the movie comes out on dvd to write down the rest of the ones I like, but for the time being I will share this one with you.

"I was thinking how nothing last and what a shame that is."

I'm not very good with change and I spend a lot of time thinking about how things used to be and how things might have turned out if this or that would have or have not happened. I consider this a not so great quality of mine because sometimes it prevents me from focusing on the goodness of the here and now and the excitement of what may be to come. I like everything to be planned out all the way to the end, but life doesn't work like that. It always throws you curve balls. Sometimes I will even try to plan out the worst case scenario, but even my mind can't come up with all the surprise attacks life can give me.

I feel like this year was the final year of my so-called youth. Maybe it's because I'm turning 25 in April or because I'm a wife now or because we are both done with school. Or maybe its because I was forced to make many grown up decisions this year. Maybe because I lost a great friend and through that process realized that you never know how much time you actually have. Whatever the reason, reflecting on this year has been a sad process for me this go around. I am looking forward to 2009 and hopefully moving past many of my sad memories of 2008.


  1. I hope 2009 is a great year for you!

    So, it sounds like you liked that movie... I've been trying to decide whether or not to see it. Maybe I will now!

  2. Aw Laura..

    Truthfully, 2008 was very good in many ways, but tough in anothe way. Actually it has been really rough. And I am looking forward to 2009 as well. I want to a fresh start!!

    I hope 2009 will bring you ton and ton of happiness in your life with your husband, friends and family!!!


  3. Change is difficult for all of us...but I think as we get older, somehow it becomes a little easier when we realize that good things come as a result, even against our fears.

    You're right, you never really know what is around the corner, so be brave and enjoy yourself. Thanks for your visit to my blog today. And happy new year to you!


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