Thursday, April 1, 2010

Didn't You Say You Were Doing A Happiness Project?

Yes, I did say that.

What happened to it?
I didn't order my book as soon as I should have. I got ahead of myself and committed before I was really ready.

What am I going to do now?
I'm going to read the book. Get organized. Figure out just how I want to present it.

Where did you go wrong?
I thought I could do it as I went, but now I see that it's going to be a project that I will need to revise and let evolve and it's too hard to do that in front of other people.

I'll get back to you, I will.

In the meantime, I'm reading the book and making notes. Full project to be unveiled at a later date!

And that's no April Fools joke....or is it? Maybe I should keep that in my back pocket just in case I crash and burn on this one.


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