He is so precious but sometimes I feel like I might just lose it. For example...I decided to take a few minutes and tackle our tax returns yesterday which are normally simple, but this year we have some complicated relocation stuff that we have to deal with and just as I had gotten into deep thought...he decides its time to have a scream fest. I wanted to have a scream fest to. And I might have just let out a couple. Is that wrong? No that's normal...surely. Agh.
Then he surprises me and lets me eat dinner last night without interruption. He slept in this morning and I got a shower, a cup of coffee, and breakfast. He entertained himself for over an hour on the floor. Amazing. His baby smiles melt my heart and it suddenly makes up for the times I feel like I might bash my head into the wall.
I'm learning a lot about patience, a lot about balance, and a lot about selflessness. It's not an easy journey, but it is one I wouldn't trade for the world.
We've come a long way in 3.5 months. I used to pray that I would just make it till daylight and a cup of coffee. I can still be found wearing the same clothes for 3 days, showers don't come as often as they used to, and dinner might not be as spectacular, but the house is fairly clean, clothes are getting washed, and I am beginning to be able to complete projects again...slowly but surely.
Life might be normal one day....but really...what is normal anyways?

Give yourself a break, sounds like you are doing amazing!