Monday, December 3, 2012

Ethan's Favorite Things (18-24mo.)

It's that time of year where everyone is looking for the perfect gift ideas and sometimes the best ideas come from seeing what others like and enjoy. Not every kid is into the same thing, but I figured I would share with you what some of Ethan's favorite toys have been in the last 6 months. These have all been tested and Ethan approved!

1. Toystate Caterpillar Construction Mini Machine 5-Pack - These little trucks are so amazing that we own two sets of them and if we received another I wouldn't complain a bit. They are perfect for the sandbox, the bath tub, the car and my purse. They literally go everywhere with us and we must have the complete set at all times because you can't have a bulldozer without a backhoe to scoop up the dirt and you can't have a backhoe without a dump truck to dump it into....or so Ethan says.

2. Melissa & Doug Wooden Take Along Tool Kit (24pc) - Ethan doesn't use everything in this set, just the tools really. He's not so much into putting things together, but hammering...yeah, we are into that. In fact, the hammer is so awesome I was able to put an Ikea dresser together with it. Don't ask...

3. Tourance Baby Blanket - This was originally suppose to be for Jackson, but as soon as Ethan laid his hands on it, he decided it was his favorite and I personally can't blame him. It is the softest most luxurious blanket I've ever felt. I ordered him a toddler sized one just recently from One Kings Lane (the cheapest place to buy them) and I'm hoping I can switch him over. Heck, if I could afford the adult size I would be sleeping with it every night too. 

4. Toystate CAT Big Builder Skid Steer - Ethan has a ton of truck...a ton. This is one of his newest additions and current favorites. I really think it has to do with the size of it more than anything else. It is very easy for him to carry. It lights up, shakes and makes sounds although that isn't necessary for him (he enjoys making his own sounds), it is a bonus. 

5. My First Truck Board Book  - When he can't play with trucks, this book is the perfect thing to satisfy his strong truck addiction. We take it in the car and I leave it with him in his bed at nap time. If your kid isn't into trucks (and your still reading this) I do strongly recommend any of the "My First" board books. They are some of our favorite.

6. Toy Guitar - This little guitar came from World Market and Ethan loves it. He has a couple that light up and make music, but this is his current favorite. He can make his own tunes and it looks like the real deal. 

7. Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site - Forget Goodnight Moon, this book is right up Ethan's alley. My mom recently gifted this to him and now we read it every night after we put his trucks to bed. Yes, we put the trucks to bed. I highly recommend it. We usually only look at pictures for most books, but he actually allows us to completely read this book. 

What are some of your kid-tested and approved favorites??? I'd love to know! Santa might not be completely done shopping yet :)


  1. Our boys would be great friends. We're big CAT fans here!

  2. Spencer LOVES his tricycle (radio flyer), loves puzzles (mostly M&D) and loves blocks. Not really the lego/duplo blocks, but the original wooden ones. He's getting a radio flyer scooter for Christmas and I am SO excited for him!!!!! He loves our little neighbor girls and talks about it all the time. I cannot wait to see his face!

  3. What a GREAT list!! And I am cracking up for two reasons:

    I just found that M&D tool set a few days ago in Trey's closet while I was cleaning - I had bought it on clearance when he was really young and I just forgot about it - we spent a LOOONG time playing with it this morning - such a great toy!!


    I ordered goodnight construction site... oh.. maybe 20 minutes ago! HA!! I had gotten an amazon giftcard from crowdtap for $10 and it was on sale for $9.25. Total win!!!

    Thanks for sharing this - I'm going to look at the other things too - I'm dying over that guitar!

  4. Boy, Ethan and Connor could be buddies! We also have 2 sets of those trucks. Did you know Good Night Good Night Construction site has a matching game? I found it on Amazon and Connor's getting it for Christmas.

  5. #2, #4, and #7 are Meyer's staple toys too!!! I'll have to check out the others:)

  6. Alright all you boy moms, you have to get Sally Sutton's Roadwork if your kiddo likes Goodnight...It is fun to read and my two year old wants to read it every night! I slip in Mr. Cow Can Moo too but this is definitely one you want to have in your collection. Looks like she has another called Demolition so I'll be adding that to Reid's stocking this year! My tot also like the Home Depot tool box from TRU because he can carry it around and the Mighty Motorized Tonka Trucks are great too.

  7. I just love Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site! The perfect little boy's go to sleep book!


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