The problem starts with having to purchase a whole new wardrobe that you very well know they will not be able to re-wear past the current season. So the bargain searching begins. I've never been one to scour consignment shops. Tsk, tsk I know! I just personally find it a job to haul my kid out and store hop for a great deal. I do hit up the outlet malls and Kohl's from time to time, but really my search usually happens on the web. I can do it from my own home and anytime of day I want.
My typical go-to is Old Navy. I prefer to spend as least as possible on E's everyday clothes. Even with a second boy on the way, I know that these clothes will be pretty near worn out by the time E gets done with them. I sit and wait for a 30% off coupon or $5 T-shirt sale, order enough for free shipping and make sure to use my favorite money saving site Ebates.
If you haven't signed up for Ebates you should! Basically how it works is that you start your shopping trip there, search the store you want to purchase something from and then click the link. It will automatically track your purchase and give you a certain percentage back on what you spend. Over the Labor Day Weekend there are several stores offering some really great deals...
Target - 4%
Macy's - 6%
JCP - 8%
Holiday Inn - 13.5%
Groupon - 6%
Kohls - 6%
Yes, I know some of these figures aren't mind blowing, but every little bit counts right? Combine cash back with your normal discount codes and free shipping and you really have yourself a deal! At the end of every quarter they will send you a "Big Fat Check" in the mail with your savings. And yes, they truly do....I've received several! In fact so far this year I've earned over $200 just by clicking through Ebates.
You can also use Ebates for Zulily which is another place I've had luck finding E a few holiday outfits (which seems to be an adventure all to itself), toys, shoes and of course things for myself.
Mostly for holiday outfits though I've been shopping on Facebook. Last year I shopped mostly on Etsy but I have to admit that I apparently did not know that you had to shop way in advance for Christmas and Thanksgiving outfits and have saved a ton by doing things ahead this year (think August people) and pre-ordering through FB auction sites. Yep, I've ordered pretty much all of Ethan's holiday stuff already and am awaiting for it to ship out. A few of my favorite FB sites are...
As for shoes...I also use the internet. I can't fathom the thought of taking E to an actual store to "try on" shoes. I'm pretty sure it would be my personal version of hell so instead I order multiple styles and sizes from places that have free shipping and free returns like Endless and Zappos. I just recently ordered over 10 pairs from these places combined. Only one pair fit (crazy, I know) but no worries returning is easy (and free) with these places so they are currently on their way back. A couple days ago I placed my first online order through Stride Rite which sadly does not offer free returns, but I can usually get a good fit out of their shoes since they offer a variety of sizes and widths in their brands that most places do not. In fact, this weekend they are having a BOGO 50% off sale with free shipping (not returns). And, if you order through Ebates you can get an additional 4.5% off as well!
So I'm curious...What are your favorite places to shop? How do you tackle the task of clothing your kid(s)? Any secrets???

Can't get to it without Internet but go to and look at the post we did last week on smocked clothes - all my favorite "deal" sites for cute clothes are listed there!! Sorry I can't post the link!
ReplyDeleteI don't mind shopping for Connor's clothes too much, but my biggest pet peeve is that the stores do NOT have enough room for strollers - which baffles me. You'd think kid's stores would have the widest aisles in the mall! Also, my favorite for everyday clothes for Connor are Old Navy and the Children's Place. I can usually find basic tees for him at around $4-$6 after coupons!
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised to see both you and the commenter above me find good BOY clothes at Old Navy. I rarely find anything there but boring basics and graphic tees which I refuse to buy. Apparently I'm not going at the right times!
ReplyDeleteI like Children's Place, Target and Carters/OshKosh for Jamie's clothes. I get emails with 20-30% off with free shipping all the time! I never pay full price!
I know this post is older but I was wondering about the auction sites you listed - you said you "pre-ordered?" Does that mean you didn't have to participate in the auction? I usually love the stuff I've seen on the FB auctions but I hate the actual bidding process!!!